The photos from the Sony PlayStation Phone is said to have appeared, this device looks slim as usual. Details about his software and Sony's future plans have also been teraungkap through sources close to the project of development of this new phone.
Pictures of the Sony PlayStation is emerging from one of the blogs about technology that is Engadget.com, but we still seek to know about the authenticity or truth of the rumors about the latest technology from Sony is, because it may be an image called the Sony PlayStation is based devices Android is being dikembagkan by Sony Ericsson.
But however Engadget has been a very good reputation in the world of tech news, and the authenticity of the news as well as about the source - the source of all this are people who know about a near prjek technology in a particular company, so maybe just a picture of this Sony PlayStation Phone is totally real.
Still from the news that we have quoted from the site Engadget, Engadget believes that this is one of the prototypes, and one of them there in the photos posted by Engadget in his story about this rumor. Its source also reported that the codename of this device is "Zeus," and that while running on the Android platform (Android), prototypes are different seems to be running different versions. One prototype took an 8 GB SD card to add "at least" 512 MB of internal storage.
So, it turns out the rumors about Sony's PlayStation phone would not appear to be just a rumor just mere media. Let's just wait the time when Sony announced the presence of this new mobile phone.
Pictures of the Sony PlayStation is emerging from one of the blogs about technology that is Engadget.com, but we still seek to know about the authenticity or truth of the rumors about the latest technology from Sony is, because it may be an image called the Sony PlayStation is based devices Android is being dikembagkan by Sony Ericsson.
But however Engadget has been a very good reputation in the world of tech news, and the authenticity of the news as well as about the source - the source of all this are people who know about a near prjek technology in a particular company, so maybe just a picture of this Sony PlayStation Phone is totally real.
Still from the news that we have quoted from the site Engadget, Engadget believes that this is one of the prototypes, and one of them there in the photos posted by Engadget in his story about this rumor. Its source also reported that the codename of this device is "Zeus," and that while running on the Android platform (Android), prototypes are different seems to be running different versions. One prototype took an 8 GB SD card to add "at least" 512 MB of internal storage.
So, it turns out the rumors about Sony's PlayStation phone would not appear to be just a rumor just mere media. Let's just wait the time when Sony announced the presence of this new mobile phone.
About Playstation Phone
Reviewed by Pakar Pupuk Tanaman
6:11 AM
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